Developed with leading veterinarian behaviourists, Felaqua Connect is a smart water delivery and drinking monitoring system with app, which provides your cats with water whilst monitoring and reporting when and how much they drink. This way, Felaqua Connect offers invaluable insights into your cat’s drinking behaviour, which is a key indicator of their health and wellbeing. Use Felaqua Connect with the Sure Petcare Hub (not included) and the Sure Petcare App, to monitor how much, when and how long your cats drink, and spot any short or long-term changes. Check remotely how much water is remaining, when the water was last replenished and be notified when the water needs changing.
Felaqua Connect has been designed with your cat in mind: Its wide and shallow bowl offers plenty of space for your cat’s whiskers, allowing them to drink comfortably. Thanks to the water-repellent material, the water inside the bowl pearls around the edges, making it reflect the light better, making the water easily visible and inviting to your cat. As your cat is drinking, water is replenished from the gravity-fed reservoir, eliminating the need for noisy pumps and creating a quiet and clean drinking experience. Being battery powered (4 x C cell, not included), Felaqua Connect can be placed freely throughout your home and where your cat likes to drink. With no cables, no filters and removable, dishwasher-safe parts, Felaqua Connect is easy to use and hassle-free.